
Nichlas Pollier b. 1997 is a Danish-Chilean documentary photographer based in Denmark. Before attending a BA in photojournalism from the Danish School of Media- and Journalism, he traveled and lived in the Middle East, where he volunteered and did a lot of humanitarian work concentrating on refugees. 

Get in touch

Phone no.: +45 71 70 11 56


Featured in: Politiken, Jyllands-Posten, Euroman, Information, DR, Ritzau Scanpix, Finanswatch, TV2 Go' Morgen & Go' Aften Danmark - National Television

Awards & Publications

2024: Shortlisted, Filmmagasinet Ekko, Documentary film

2023: 1st prize, College Photographer of the Year, Documentary Short

2023: 1st prize, College Photographer of the Year, International Picture Story

2023: Award of Excellence, College Photographer of the Year, General News 

2022: 1st prize, Danish Picture of the Year, Open Class, Documentary short

Exhibited at Copenhagen Photo Festival

Exhibited at the Royal Danish Library, Danish Picture of the Year

Exhibited at Dokk1, Culture House, Aarhus


2023– :          Photojournalist at the Danish newspaper Politiken

2021– 2025: BA Photojournalism, Danish School of Media- and Journalism.

2014– 2017: STX, Lyngby Gymnasium, Secondary Upper School.

2006– 2013: Institut Sankt Joseph Primary School, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2003– 2006: Sankt Ansgar Primary School, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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